VIDEO: Rep. Ilhan Omar Blasts Republican Bill to Default on America
WASHINGTON—Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) gave a floor speech today on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's bill to slash food, housing, education, and jobs in her district and threats to tank the global economy.
You can view the remarks as prepared for delivery below and video here.
Mr. Speaker, I rise today in opposition to this dangerous bill.
House Republicans say they want to grow our economy, but their bill would destroy about eight thousand jobs in my district alone, and seven million across the country.
They say they want to invest in children, but their bill would eliminate childcare access for over four thousand kids in my state alone, and one hundred eighty thousand nationwide.
And of course they talk nonstop about rail safety—yet in actuality their bill would cut at least one hundred sixty rail inspection days just in Minnesota, and cut seven thousand inspections nationwide—instead of repealing the Bush and Trump tax cuts, which cost the American taxpayer ten trillion dollars.
What this bill is really about is wealth transfer—from the working and middle class, to millionaires and billionaires.
It is time to stop this hypocrisy before real economic harm affects the livelihoods of millions of Americans.